Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What To Do When Your Face Swells Shut

This may seem like an oddly random subject and I'm sure you are wondering why I am bringing it up right now. I won't share, but suffice it to say there is a very pertinent and coherent reason for the timing and subject matter which I have just bestowed upon you. I realize that you weren't expecting such meaningful material and you are now undeniably hooked to this post that you'd rather be buried in fire ants than to abort the reading mission before the objective of finding out what to do when your face swells shut. This is really an issue of survival. Hopefully you've set aside the necessary time.

Before we get into the meat of this, lets start by defining the problem. Although the underlying cause should certainly be of concern to you if your face swells shut, it is not our focus at this time. To assure we are all on the same page;

"Face" is that portion of the front of your head where your eyes, nose, and mouth are located. If you have a moustache, beard, glasses, or a silent expression of hatred for your fellow man, they would also be found here.

"Swells" refers to an abnormal enlargement or bloating. Many times this is a sudden onset that may occur in the event of exposure to an allergen or a good beating. In some cases the swelling may occur over time, perhaps as a result of some cruel disease or excessive consumption of bacon milkshakes.

And "shut" means "closed". As it relates to the face, specifically the involuntary closing of the eyes, nose, and mouth due to the aforementioned swelling.

Now, let's discuss the dos and don'ts.

First, let me share with you a few things NOT to do when your face swells shut. Here is a short list that I threw together. I'm just guessing here. My face has never swelled or swollen shut.

  • Please DO NOT come to work. You will scare people. Plus, your productivity will surely suffer due to the shutness of your face.
  • I assume you would not want to drive a vehicle. At least not very fast.
  • Guys(and extremely hairy women), do NOT shave when your face is swollen shut! I mean it. Don't do it!
  • Don't worry about the dogs you hear barking at you. They are not equipped with a sense of compassion.
  • Most importantly; Do not panic!

I'm sure there are more don'ts but those are the obvious ones. Now, what should you do?

  • PANIC! After all you are trapped in a private hell and held against your will by your own face.
  • Breathe. Oh wait, you can't. Since most humans breathe through the mouth, the nose, a combination of the two, or alternation between them, and they are both shut by the definition presented earlier. Unless you are lucky enough to have a blowhole, you should probably try to get a straw shoved between your lips and/or in a nostril or two. This may allow you to process enough oxygen to avoid suffocation temporarily.
  • Turn off the lights. You can't see anyway. No point in wasting energy and just because you have only moments to live doesn't mean you need to forget about the environment.
  • Seek medical attention. Lets face it, the problem is not likely to reverse itself and is probably life-threatening. Grandma may have a home remedy but she's never around when you really need her now is she? Since we've already eliminated driving as a possibility you'll need to call 911. I know, using a phone is difficult. Just feel your way around the keypad and do you best. If you get someone who asks you "what listing?" you've hit a 4 instead of a 9. Try again. Once connected to a dispatcher, help is on the way. Of course you can't talk to explain anything but they can track your location by the caller ID info or cellular network. They will realize that it is an emergency by the fact that you called 911. No one calls them to make idle chit-chat. They will also pick up on the urgency in your muffled but horrifying internal screams. Side note: they can't hear your arms flailing around wildly so stop. That's just another energy-saving tip.

Hopefully you will remember this advice when your face swells shut and somehow manage to follow it. For those of you who have been through it, feel free to share your experiences.


SourGrapes said...

Been there! Horrible! Makes it even worse when it moves to your ears too! I mostly recovered. Still have a lazy eye and walk with a limp (not talking about the way I walk, I'm refering to my husband).

Darren R. said...

What if it happens at high altitude? Does that make any difference?

WestonfromEaston said...

So I went to google because my daughter's face was swollen shut. I found this post but realized, too late, that this ws not a serious medical "what to do" post. I got all involved with the post and wasted a few minutes reading it before moving on to another more helpful website where we found that she just needed an antihistamine. She's fine now. I did try the straw thing though and it seemed to work for a while. Maybe you saved her life with your nonsense??