Here at Crock, Inc., we believe that happiness in the workplace starts at the top. We strive to empower and motivate our staff by creating a positive atmosphere in which they may grow. I personally hold a short motivational seminar each month to rejuvenate the peons...I mean..the workforce.
Now, especially for you, I'm going to reveal the subject matter of next month's motivational seminar. It's centered around one word;
Why energy, you ask? Well let's take a look at some synonyms for the word "energy" and see how it can be applied in the workplace.
Energy, a noun, is synonymous with Drive, Efficiency, and Endurance. We encourage all of these. Also, Liveliness, Might , and Moxie. We love those too. Pep, Pizzazz, Power. The first two are great. The third; we'll be sure and limit that one to avoid problems. What about Spirit, Stamina, and Strength? All positive and condoned by management.
Here's something that I found interesting: get-up-and-go is one word. Go figure. It's also a synonym for energy.
As I researched, I found all of this to be great and applicable. That is until I saw one word that did not seem to belong. According to Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)Copyright © 2008 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved, this word is also synonymous with energy. The word is..........BEEF! You heard it here first. Beef=Energy. If you don't believe me, check it out here.
Now I'm working on incorporating this into my seminar. How is beef motivational? I'm thinking of going the route of "Where's the Beef?" as a catch phrase to be said whenever someone is a little off their goame or feeling down. Or perhaps "Beefing up" our daily routine. Maybe even something like "Need a pick-me-up? Just add Beef!". Moo-tivational? There is a lot at steak.
How about – Beef, the other pink meat. That would motivate some. Of course others might mistake it for some loose flamingo reference. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say that flamingos in no way are synonymous with energy. In fact they exude laziness. How many ‘mingos (as we call them back in the shop) have you seen helping old ladies across the street or cleaning windshields downtown for change. Not one, I’m guessing. As a proxy lifetime Crock, Inc. subcontractor, I would like to formally draft a letter of no confidence for the ’mingos that seem to linger around the water bubbler. All they seem to persuade to achievement is the coordination of the next water break. Man, are they’re bringing me down. So I guess I’m on board with the whole energy thing. All this yap is making me sleepy. Wake me when we vote.
P.S. Next water break at 8:10 am. We will cover Thursdays Lost's last Oceanic 6.
I love the the topic for next months motivational seminar, energy. I know that after attending this siminar I will empowered to leave the lower ranks of the company and be determined to achieve a higher stature in life....Thank you so much Crock inc. They will all be calling me Mr. BEEF!!!
Speaking of exuding laziness....what about those "ads by Google". God love 'em. Right now at the moment of this posting the ads on this blog are "Crock Pot Roast Beef" and "Order Grass Fed Beef". I'm starting to think that they do not read the posts like you guys.
If you believe, you will achieve the Mr. Beef title you so desire.
As for you Red,I'm with you on the mingo thing. Of course, we can't expect too much what with their backwards knees and all. I had an uncle with backwards knees and he wasn't worth a flip.
Thanks for the comments and happy beefing.
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